Q&A with… London Video Game Orchestra (4m read)
Saturday 11th November 2023 celebrates this year’s horror installment from the London Video Game Orchestra, and Chris Carter – Outreach Officer, has generously offered us to a moment of their time – So let’s get right to it.
Who are you and what are you made of?
“We’re the London Video Game Orchestra, a collective of 60 amateur musicians performing orchestral arrangements of video game music 3 times a year. We’re a really diverse group that love what we do!”
– That’s a lot of passionate souls! Would you say the passion begins from the love of music, or from the love of video games?
“A bit of both! We have plenty of members who had hardly played any games but loved the idea of learning new music, and on the flip side members who were not so familiar with orchestras (myself included) but really into games.”
(Image: Prior performance, Logan Hall. Pride In Gaming, 10.06.2023)
What is your drive?
“We’re trying to show off how cool and important video game music is to as many people as we can! We strive to make our concerts as affordable and accessible as possible.”
– We really appreciate the affordability as it eases the cost of traveling to and from Norwich. Your concerts are exceptional value for money in our opinion.
(Image: Intermission, Pride In Gaming. Logan Hall, 10.06.2023)
How many concerts have you performed?
“This upcoming Horror concert is our 10th concert since we started in 2019.”
– We suggest using SoundCloud to catch up.
(Image: Aftershow, Pride In Gaming. Logan Hall, 10.06.2023)
Is there anything you wish to add?
“Please come to our Sat Nov 11th Horror game concert! If you can’t or it’s not your kind of thing that’s fine, there’ll be even more in 2024 so make sure to follow us!”
– All links are below, please go and click on them all!
(Clip: Conductor James Keirle and fellow musicians, Pride In Gaming. Logan Hall, 10.06.2023)
Many thanks for your time Chris. We wish you all the best for your upcoming concert.
If you wish to purchase tickets please check out the Woolwich Works website for more information.
The Woolwich Works is located just off the Elizabeth Line from London Liverpool Street Station, or if you are driving or are local please use this link to gather more details. For accessibility details, please find them here.
I am really excited for this event, if you are attending and would like to have a quick catch up before hand please let us know.
Good luck Chris and co., we will catch you very soon!
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